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About the HOA

About the HOA

The Homeowners Association is a legal entity governed by state laws. All 46 residential units and all common areas and buildings are under the jurisdiction of the HOA.

The Pacifica HOA has extensive legal documents in the form of Bylaws and Master Covenants; in general, homeowners have the authority to amend the Bylaws according to a process detailed in the Bylaws; whereas the Master Covenants are much more difficult to amend and are filed and maintained with the County.

About the COA

The Condominium Owners Association is required by state law, and applies only to the buildings on the north row that have a mix of townhouses and stacked units.

Residents of the COA pay additional fees for insurance and the maintenance of a fire alarm system required by state law.

All members of the COA are members of the HOA, but not vice versa.

Our guiding principles

The mission of Pacifica is to foster an enhanced quality of life inspired by our four core values.
  1. Site Design includes Bio-retention areas and a pond for storm water management to protect nearby Bolin Creek.
  2. Unpaved overflow parking and pervious pavers used for sidewalks.
  3. Passive solar design and highly energy efficient design for all buildings.
  4. Minimum site lighting to reduce night sky radiation.
  5. Bicycle accommodations, including covered storage and repair areas.
  6. All parking is around the perimeter of the community to create a safer and quieter area where our children play and the adults gather for spontaneous socializing.
  7. The common house uses cistern water, solar hot water collectors and a photovoltaic system that sells power to the local utility.
  8. We do not allow planting of non-native invasives or use of pesticides/herbicides
  1.  Our Common House consists of a main building and a guest house.
  2. Our Main building includes kitchen, dining, laundry, and meeting areas.
  3. Guest house includes three bedrooms and two baths for community visitors, and an office for community business.
  4. We have ample space for community gardens.
  5. Residents organize regular community meals in the Common House.
  6. Our Homeowners Association is supported through monthly dues as well as community work.
  7. Our neighbors are welcome on our playing field and to access Bolin Creek through our pathways.
  1.  Our homes consist of attached townhouses, stacked houses, and detached houses.
  2. Townhouse sizes range from 600 sq. ft to 1460 sq. ft. with four larger detached homes, allowing a range of income levels and life styles.
  3. One custom unit was designed for accessibility.
  1. Seven units are sold and managed through the Community Land Trust.
  2. Community-owned resources allow residents to purchase smaller dwellings.
  3. Standard floor plans and limited custom features reduced design and building costs.
  4. Expensive tools and other equipment can be jointly owned or shared by neighbors.
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