9/30/23 – Convenor hand-off meeting notes (from Al to Deb)
Resident parking
- 72 spots, not including visitor spots
- 4 are handicap
- 1 isĀ EV spot
- 65 resident cars currently at Pacifica
- # visitor spots???
Permission for vehicle use of pedestrian path
maybe create a request form?
PaintingĀ – best done in fall or spring
expertise – Al, Jennifer, Leenie
supplies in attic – line stencils, reserved stencils, number stencil set, rollers, spray paint, asphalt paint
- need to purchase smaller “reserved” stencil for parking stops
- need grey spray paint to cover incorrect marking on parking stops
- frequency?
- supplies sourcing?
- cost?
- add inventory list, photos of equipment/supplies in attic
3 more in attic, but I (Deb) didn’t lay eyes on them
Possible items to address
- Bike parking policy (Tam)
- EV parking policy (Philip)
- Electric bike/scooter parking
- Loading zone for delivery people
- Not enforcing current parking policy ($)
- concerning if we run out of parking spaces
- may not address vehicles parked/unmoved for long periods
- may not specifically address illegal parking (handicapped spaces)
- Adds to Pacifica website
- table of # cars, drivers in households
- assigned parking map?
- Set times to refresh paint?
- Set time to update tables on website?
- Orientation document for conveners