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Pacifica Internet

About Pacifica internet

Households may choose to signup with Pacifica Internet (instead of ATT, Spectrum, Google or other providers). Our primary broadband provider is ATT fiber which comes into the Guest House office. We then distribute that service over direct ethernet connections to our customer homes. 

Pacifica internet costs $20/month and is included on your monthly HOA bill. Our service includes delivering fast internet to your house and maintaining the equipment in the ground and in the office. We will assist you with router configuration and troubleshooting your signal in the home for no cost.

If you have interest in connecting to our service please email the Internet team.

Community internet access

In addition to delivering households internet we also provide a signal to the community. You and your guests can access the Pacifica network in the Common House, Guest House, the Patio, and the playground.

Handling outages

Storms and outages happen. If the internet is impacted we will communicate outages (planned or otherwise), ETA of resolution via an email to the listserv. For outages affecting specific households we will either email or provide information and updates via text.

Reporting issues

If you are experiencing issues with your Pacifica internet, please email the Internet team or drop us a text in the #tech-help channel of Pacifica’s Discord server.

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