Parking your car at Pacifica
There are assigned parking spaces, handicapped, and free guest parking spots around Pacifica. Spaces are marked with a number.
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Driving on paths
The pathways are intended for emergency vehicles.
No motor vehicles are to be left unattended in the pathways under any circumstances.
The pathways were not built to street specifications, thus saving considerable money. This means that large, commercial moving vans are strictly prohibited.
The pathways have been traditionally used only for moving personal possessions in smaller vehicles. As a general guideline, the vehicles should be no larger than a pickup truck or passenger car.
While it may seem contradictory that a large fire truck is permitted but moving vans or U-Haul trucks are prohibited, the pathways do not have the substructure of streets and may be damaged by larger vehicles. Essentially, Pacifica recognizes that damage to the pathways may occur during an emergency, but this potential cost is outweighed by the crucial benefit of direct access to our homes.
If a Pacifican needs to use the pathways for an exception reason (such as moving) they shall ask for permission in advance — at least 24 hours prior to need. Email Buildings and Grounds to evaluate the request.
Street lights and signs
Viburnum Way is a private street and Pacifica is responsible for its maintenance and lighting. The HOA has the authority to add or change the lighting along the parking areas and the drive around the traffic circle and to the parking areas to the east and south.